What Happens in ETHBarcelona Stays on the Blockchain (And in This Recap!)


ETHBarcelona is a community-led passion project for Ethereum, crypto, and decentralization that celebrates the community and its values. It focuses on education, innovation, art, and creating positive social impact. The goal is to give people the tools they need to further their knowledge of blockchain technology and learn how to build projects that can impact society.

ETHBarcelona 2023 focused on exploring the potential of blockchain tech to build a sustainable world full of human potential, embracing the themes of SolarPunk and LunarPunk.

Excited and keyed up, the Devfolio team strapped in and flew over to Barcelona, joining 1,300+ attendees and 190 speakers from around the globe. When we stepped into the ‘City of Prodigies’, it appeared to be a bustling hub of passionate tech enthusiasts — what a delightful sight.

Beyond the enriching discussions and networking opportunities, ETHBarcelona knew how to throw a party! Art installations adorned every corner of the venue, and musical performances kept the energy soaring.

⛓️🏆 Tada! Say gm to Onchain Credentials

One of the highlights was the introduction of Onchain Credentials, replacing traditional credentials with verifiable, standardized digital SBTs that act as builders’ proof-of-work. The participants can proudly showcase these Credentials and build credibility for their skills, promising new opportunities in the future.

Onchain Credentials rely on Ethereum Attestation Service for attestations, just like Cheer and Quadratic Voting on Devfolio.

Here's a peek at the Builder SBT for ETHBarcelona 2023👇🏽

🗳️💰 Quadratic Voting at ETHBarcelona 2023

The hackathon also used the Quadratic Voting feature on Devfolio, empowering participants to vote and support their favourite projects with a matching pool of $16,000+.

It was heartening to witness brilliant ideas gaining well-deserved recognition and securing $bags ;), proving that blockchain tech can indeed bring power to the people.

Check out the QV results here: https://ethbarcelona.devfolio.co/leaderboard

And the Winners Are…🥁🥁🥁

The hackathon explored various tracks — gaming, art, DeFi, culture, social impact, Metaverse, Infrastructure, Privacy, and the list goes on and on. The winners left us in awe of their creativity, determination, and speed. Let's meet them one by one:


The first DEX doing cross-chain atomic swaps with ZK for liquidity providing, increasing security in bridging between Aleo & XDC (EVM compatible chains).

🛠️ Builders: Patricio, Danny, Solene, And Aya
🏅 Winning tracks: Best project in the privacy ZK track, XDC Foundation, Aleo, Scroll
💰 QV: $1,537


Tokenizing users’ hours for valuable exchanges, reshaping how they communicate and interact professionally and personally.

🛠️ Builders: Alex, and David
🏅 Winning track: Best project in the DeFi and Dapps Track, Scroll
💰 QV: $936


An open and collaborative repository of AI prompts.

🛠️ Builders: Gonzalo, Mattia, Stefano, and Jules
🏅 Winning tracks: Request, Gnosis Chain, Scroll
💰 QV: $714


Optimizes NFT acquisition with live alerts, rarity evaluation, and automatic purchases, easing the challenges of NFT rarity and competition.

🛠️ Builders: Alexandre, Thibaut, Leo
🏅 Winning track: XDC Foundation
💰 QV: $1,542

Token Toucan

An all-in-one XDC notification bot for Discord that tracks XDC blockchain events in real time and never misses any transaction.

🛠️ Builder: Javier
🏅 Winning track: XDC Foundation
💰 QV: $1,072


SPRING fosters event-based stays, filtering by shared values and utilizing USDC staking to address costly stays and social mismatch.

🛠️ Builders: Swapneel, Kelly, and Tyler
🏅 Winning tracks: Best project in Web3 social track, Scroll
💰 QV: $123

Pitstop Protocol

Combines a user-friendly UI with a smart contract, facilitating easy creation of DAOs on Aragon using Augmented Bonding Curves.

🛠️ Builders: Sohey, Flynn, and Cedric
🏅 Winning track: Best project in the Metaverse and Gaming Track, XDC Foundation, Scroll
💰 QV: $94


Empowering Local Communities. Enabling sustainable governance and private voting.

🛠️ Builders: Raquel, Kristjan, Jonas, Seddik
🏅 Winning tracks: Best project in the public good, impact and education track, zkSync, API3
💰 QV: $165


Combines a user-friendly UI with a smart contract, facilitating easy creation of DAOs on Aragon using Augmented Bonding Curves.

🛠️ Builders: Jordi, Sara, and Sem
🏅 Winning tracks: Best project in the DAO track
💰 QV: $45

NFT Address Options

A cross-chain market for smart-contract deployment possibilities

🛠️ Builders: Dmitry, and Dmitrii
🏅 Winning tracks: Safe, Gnosis Chain, Scroll
💰 QV: $23


A cryptographic journey to record and release Justin Holmes' latest bluegrass album using a commit-and-reveal scheme spawns a new way to think about music distribution.

🛠️ Builders: Kieran, R.J., Jakub, and Justin
🏅 Winning tracks: Gnosis Chain
💰 QV: $173

xdcX - Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSDs) on XDC

Enables liquidity, yield generation & DeFi opportunities on XDC by offering (LSDs) as XRC20 tokens, unlocking staked assets' value.

🛠️ Builder: Alberto
🏅 Winning track: XDC Foundation
💰 QV: $292


Enables seamless award distribution with Integrated Impact Funding without the need for manual work.

🛠️ Builders: Matias, A, E, Michele
🏅 Winning tracks: Endaoment
💰 QV: $301


A bot and dApp, empowering Web3 users, activating online communities, and facilitating collective donations for public good funding.

🛠️ Builders: João, Gonçalo, Bernardo, Ahmed
🏅 Winning tracks: Endaoment: ¡¡ Vitalik Just Donated !!, Scroll
💰 QV: $95


Decentralized EdTech with AI-driven learning, on-chain certifications, and token incentives, redefining traditional education's limitations.

🛠️ Builders: Noel, Jim, Nick, Carlos
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $207

Union Messenger

Enabling users to send on-chain verifiable messages while using Union.Finance

🛠️ Builders: Jonathan and Otto
🏅 Winning tracks: Union Finance
💰 QV: $690

ZK Guards

Anonymous voting app for community members to collectively decide on treasury spending and allocate funds securely and transparently.

🛠️ Builders: Daniel, Orest, and Ra
🏅 Winning track: Safe
💰 QV: $240


Enables developers to monetize APIs through a decentralized marketplace, ensuring sustainable projects with fair revenue tracking and engaged communities.

🛠️ Builders: Leonardo, Velitchko, Ricardo, Mike
🏅 Winning tracks: Safe
💰 QV: $122

Safe Donations

Decentralized platform for donating funds to people in a verified situation of need.

🛠️ Builders: Jose, Rosemarie, Sebastian, Richard
🏅 Winning track: Safe
💰 QV: $253

Pay The Way

A way for small business owners to receive payment in crypto with negligible transaction fees.

🛠️ Builders: Ryoko, Dayana, Melissa, Joansa|
🏅 Winning track: Safe
💰 QV: $606


A decentralized oracle for the XDC blockchain to accurately compute and convey data sources from various nodes.

🛠️ Builders: Nandy, Kelly, and Alfred
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $1,365


Bringing freedom to GPT by putting it on the blockchain where it’s no longer censored, restricted, or biased.

🛠️ Builders: Lucas, and Felipe
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $208

UANS: Universal Asset Numbering Scheme

Helps with structuring the entire Digital Asset data irrespective of chains and creating uniformity and interoperability of assets across chains.

🛠️ Builders: Yash
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $148

Joy Journey

An NFT ticketing + loyalty Dapp solving web 2.0 ticketing issues with easy FIAT-to-NFT purchases, blockchain-tracked attendance, and personalized event experiences.

🛠️ Builders: Javier, Pau, Miquel, and Adria
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $224

DEVOW: Decentralized Vowing

A crowdfunding platform designed to support women entrepreneurs by providing them with a supportive ecosystem to raise funds for their startup ventures.

🛠️ Builders: Denny, Karol, Nicole
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $282

Decentralised chat application

An app that makes chatting and calling more secure, with no centralised authority having control over its data.

🛠️ Builders: Akhil
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $225


A web3 platform revolutionizing libraries with increased accessibility, reduced costs, effective advertising, and valuable data insights.

🛠️ Builders: Marianna, Kiryl, Ivan, and Volha
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $136

Barcelona Memories

An NFT minting web app built for people attending ETH Barcelona to keep their memories locked onchain forever.

🛠️ Builders: Maharaja
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $176

No Fear NFTs: ERC-721 Extension for NFTs and DeFi

An ERC-721 extension designed to empower creators in building NFT projects with robust DeFi mechanics while ensuring a risk-free environment for collection holders.

🛠️ Builders: Nicolas

🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $231

Zero Knowledge Pay

A platform for decentralised zk messaging with Defi Features that enable funding the best Public Good projects with zk.

🛠️ Builders: Kenil
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $223


Solving online dating challenges by setting a time limit, encouraging real-life meetings, and holding users accountable through crypto stakes.

🛠️ Builders: Jen, and Xian
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $365


An enhanced version of the WETH contract, wrapping native cryptos from EVM networks into EFC20 tokens for advanced smart contract interaction across blockchains.

🛠️ Builders: Victor
🏅 Winning track: Scroll
💰 QV: $47

✨🪄 More Innovative Projects

Winners or not, every project built at ETHBarcelona 2023 was a testament to the limitless potential of Ethereum.

Check out all the projects built here: https://ethbarcelona.devfolio.co/projects

Hasta Luego ETHBCN! ✌🏼🤗

As the curtains fall on ETHBarcelona 2023, our hearts are full of inspiration and heads buzzing with ideas. The connections made, the knowledge shared, and the unforgettable memories created will undoubtedly fuel innovation for years to come.

Keep an eye out for future editions of ETHBarcelona, and stay tuned for upcoming exciting events. The blockchain revolution is just beginning!

Until next time, fellow builders, keep dreaming, keep building, and remember: what happened in ETHBarcelona stays on the blockchain! ;)

P.S. You can host your Ethereum hackathon on Devfolio for free! 🥳

Check out our blog for more details: Level up your Ethereum hackathon experience with Devfolio

Stay tuned for more updates and interact with the Devfolio community at:

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Until then, Never Stop Building 🛠️