

Web3 Couchsurfing For The Vibe Economy

Created on 9th July 2023



Web3 Couchsurfing For The Vibe Economy

The problem Springer solves

SPRING focuses on three main problems:

  1. Unaffordable stays during conferences
  2. Too many people you don’t vibe with
  3. Lack of long term connections

SPRING enables travellers to find places to stay during events and conferences. They browse by event and then can filter available listings based on shared values. Apes can stay with apes, regens with regens, solar punks with solar punks, etc.

When the host lists an available space, they stake a small amount of USDC to guarantee the place exists. The host will receive this stake back at the end of the stay. If the guest shows up to the property and it is not as shown, they provide photo evidence and the case is reviewed by the DAO for compensation.

When the guest makes an application to stay with a host, they stake a predetermined amount of USDC to guarantee their stay. After the stay is finished, the host will receive the USDC as compensation for the accommodation.

Once the stay is finished, both guest and host can leave reviews about each other with comments.

Challenges we ran into

We had issues bridging Goerli Eth to Scroll Alpha Testnet. We also, had bugs with hardhat when writing tests.

Tracks Applied (4)

Web3 Social

It's designed for the vibe economy, to facilitate ever-lasting connections between like-minded people, and to encourage ...Read More

Public Goods, Impact, Education

It provides affordable, enjoyable accommodation for crypto nomads. The only way forward is frenship

Scroll Track

We deployed on Scroll :)



We implemented AA to ensure humanized login options.


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.


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