

Communifying your donations and impact!

Created on 9th July 2023



Communifying your donations and impact!

The problem Communify solves


  1. Web 2 social media users have a large informational and knowledge gap to begin using web3.

  2. Online community organizing currently has a disconnect between the speed of informational spread versus the speed of getting donations to where they are needed.

Solution: A simple bot and dApp that allows users to:

  1. Learn about blockchain via quests;
  2. Activate and engage your exisiting communities on Telegram and build trust;
  3. Contribute to causes with a hive effect of donations making a larger impact to collective and public good funding

Challenges we ran into


Developing the Communify dAPP required a comprehensive understanding of various Web3 technologies, including those related to Scroll, EndaomentSDK, NextJS, PythonTelegramBot Framework, and Python. As a team, we worked diligently to familiarize ourselves with these technologies, which proved to be an exciting effort and a significant learning curve.
We were able to use the developer resources, talk to the devs on site, and video resources.

Even though the documents on the zkSync website are very insightful and easy to follow, we encountered a challenge related to yarn/nm dependencies as well as getting testnetETH balance to deploy the contracts on chain. We were able to successfully code the contract and we look forward to learning how to do even better.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Our team is proud of the significant achievements we made in building Communify. We built an MVP using cutting-edge Web3 technologies to support web3 education and public good funding through decentralized and transparent learning and donation mechanisms.

What we learned

Despite the initial challenges we faced in familiarizing ourselves with the latest Web3 technologies, we are proud to have developed Communify using newer web3 technologies. We learned that by asking for the right help, reading the documentation, and connecting with the sponsor teams, we were able to diligently build our way to a successful deployment.

Our team worked tirelessly to deploy the smart contracts and integrate the front-end and back-end systems of Communify within a tight timeframe. Through this process, we gained a deeper understanding of how to build robust and decentralized applications on the blockchain, and the immense utility that they can provide to users.

Tracks Applied (6)

Web3 Social

Our app is intended to be used as a tool that any community can integrate in their telegram chat/group to allow communit...Read More

Public Goods, Impact, Education

Our dApp and Telegram bot focuses on LEARN - ACTIVATE - CONTRIBUTE. Our app is intended to be used as a tool that any c...Read More


We focused on deploying a NFT contract on zkSync Era Chain and using wallet abstraction on our dApp. Even though the doc...Read More

zkSync ∎

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