Created on 28th November 2021
Goodwill Chain works as an NFT marketplace to support charitable fundraising. Digital artists and content creators can upload their content to create NFTs out of them. The proceeds from the sales of these NFTs goes directly to the address of the charitable organization. Hence the transactions and funds data of the organization is present in a transparent manner where it can be verified by the general public. This is to ensure a transparent way of charity fundraising and to uphold reliability and inclusivity in the platform. The prototype of the DApp has been built using Celo Alfajores Testnet.
Any user can register as a NFT creator on the platform and contribute their content or digitial art for creating the NFT. The off chain data of these NFTs will be stored in a decentralised manner on IPFS and FileCoin using NFT.Storage. To incentivize the contribution, for each NFT content submitted by a user, they are eligible to recieve GCT(Goodwill Chain Token) tokens rewards. Now the NFT is available for sale on the platform, where other users can view and purchase them. Once a user buys an NFT from the platform, the amount is directly transfered to the charity organization whose funds balance and transaction history can be verified publicly to ensure transparency in the process of funds distribution.
We faced some issues in deploying the contracts and had to debug them a couple of times to get it resolved. We were able to integrate NFT.Storage into our DApp without much hassles.