I am an engineering student who is interested in coding and IOT. I would love to explore the virtual world of programming.
Where IOT meets Blockchain. Hercules is an IoT-powered Home-Automation System with a Blockchain-based Electricity consumption analysis, billing and payment mechanism.Solidity, Bootstrap, React, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Bolt IOT, Truffle SuiteCric-Wizard
Be notified of important cricket match updates without losing focus on your studies or work.Arduino Uno, Python, Bolt IOT, PyAutoGUI, TinkerCad, Iot, UARTHealth-Sleuth
An ML model which investigates and predicts a person's risk of having diabetes, depression or hypertension.NumPy, Machine Learning, pandas, Python, Jupyter Notebook, sk-learn, random forest, Streamlit.ioDecentral-wood
A blockchain based decentralised platform for movie enthusiasts and critics to post reviews about movies and they can also earn tip for quality reviews.Solidity, Bootstrap, React, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Material-UI, Truffle SuiteHydro-chain
Decentralizing Water Bills to ensure greater transparency and seamless payments, using IOT and BlockchainSolidity, React, NodeMCU, Matic, Ethereum, Blockchain, Material-UI, web3.js, IOT (Internet of Things), Truffle Suite