
Abel Simon Zachariah

I am a blockchain and coding enthusiast. I am familiar with few programming languages such as c, c++, python, solidity and web development. I love working in a team and being able to create cool projects. I am always keen on learning new stuff. The best performance improvement is the transition from the nonworking state to the working state.


Stark_IoT SSLS

A street light functioning optimiser using IoT and also serving as a traffic data analyser.Bootstrap, JavaScript, Flask, Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, Python, Bolt IOT, Mailgun API


Where IOT meets Blockchain. Hercules is an IoT-powered Home-Automation System with a Blockchain-based Electricity consumption analysis, billing and payment mechanism.Solidity, Bootstrap, React, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Bolt IOT, Truffle Suite


A decentralized platform to conduct public opinion polls legitimately by leveraging the power of blockchain while enhancing awareness on crucial public matters and ensuring diversity of opinion.Solidity, IPFS, React, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Portis, XinFin, Truffle Suite


Be notified of important cricket match updates without losing focus on your studies or work.Arduino Uno, Python, Bolt IOT, PyAutoGUI, TinkerCad, Iot, UART


An ML model which investigates and predicts a person's risk of having diabetes, depression or hypertension.NumPy, Machine Learning, pandas, Python, Jupyter Notebook, sk-learn, random forest, Streamlit.io


A blockchain based decentralised platform for movie enthusiasts and critics to post reviews about movies and they can also earn tip for quality reviews.Solidity, Bootstrap, React, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Material-UI, Truffle Suite


Decentralizing Water Bills to ensure greater transparency and seamless payments, using IOT and BlockchainSolidity, React, NodeMCU, Matic, Ethereum, Blockchain, Material-UI, web3.js, IOT (Internet of Things), Truffle Suite


An NFT Marketplace with Custom Auction and Sales Mechanisms, enabling Creators and Collectors to explore various schemes to competently trade NFTsSolidity, IPFS, React, MetaMask, Matic, Web3, Chainlink, NFT, Truffle Suite, Filecoin


Zorohack is an extension to eliminate and discard the triggers while browsing that cause people to relapse back to addiction.CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Google Teachable Machine, HTML5​


A Blockchain-based platform to trade NFTs of literary worksSolidity, React, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, React Router, Truffle Suite, Polygon

Covi_fund (Built using Polygon and Portis)

Covi_fund provides a decentralized platform which can streamline donations to non-profit organizations/movements that strive for covid relief. Built using Polygon and Portis wallet.Solidity, React, Matic, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain, Material-UI, Portis, Truffle Suite, Polygon


A Decentralized platform to tokenize music tracks and songs as NFTs and sell or auction them to generate revenue. Built using Celo, IPFS and Filecoin.Solidity, IPFS, React, Web3, Blockchain, Truffle Suite, Celo, CeloExtensionWallet, Filecoin, NFT.Storage


A Blockchain-based system to securely generate and verify the validity of digital academic certificates, thereby attenuating the prevelance of fraudulent certificates. Built using Celo .Solidity, React, Web3, Blockchain, React Router, Truffle Suite, Celo, CeloExtensionWallet, Alfajores Testnet

RAW Gestures

An Arduino project which is based on controlling video functions using gestures with three axis accelerometer.Arduino Uno, C++, Python

Goodwill Chain(Built using Celo and IPFS-Filecoin)

Decentralized NFT Marketplace to raise funds for charity organizations or programsSolidity, IPFS, React, Web3, Ethereum, Truffle Suite, Celo, Filecoin, NFT.Storage, Alfajores Testnet

Source Code Sea (Built using CELO and NFT.Storage)

A Decentralized platform to tokenise source codes as NFTs and sell them to generate revenue. Built using Celo, IPFS and Filecoin.Solidity, IPFS, React, Web3, Ethereum, Truffle Suite, Celo, Filecoin, NFT.Storage, Alfajores Testnet


A Metamask snap for decentralized file storage and management with FEVM and IPFS along with PUSH notifications.MetaMask, Push Notification, IPFS / Filecoin, Push Protocol, snaps, Valist, FEVM, MetaMask Snaps, fvm


A productivity tool for saving huge chunks of text as commands.CSS, JavaScript, Regex, manifest, Chrome Extension, HTML5​, Local Storage

DFIR built using Polygon and NFT.Storage

A decentralised FIR system where First Information Report and Evidences are stored on a public IPFS and deployed to Polygon Mumbai Testnet.Solidity, IPFS, Next.js, ethers.js, Ethereum, Filecoin, NFT.Storage, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Web3.Storage, IPFS / Filecoin


Multi-chain web3 NFT game powered by Zero-knowledge proofsSolidity, Next.js, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), Hardhat, Supabase, Avalanche, Circom, move, sui, wormhole


Nurture financial growth with our ROSCA circle.Next.js, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), Scaffold-eth, Arbitrum, foundry, Safe, Push Protocol, zkevm, BASE, Anon Aadhaar


Blockchain Development