
A blockchain based decentralised platform for movie enthusiasts and critics to post reviews about movies and they can also earn tip for quality reviews.

Created on 15th November 2020



A blockchain based decentralised platform for movie enthusiasts and critics to post reviews about movies and they can also earn tip for quality reviews.

The problem Decentral-wood solves

Decentral wood uses blockchain for a decentralised platform for movie enthusiasts and critics to post reviews about movies and they can also earn tip for quality reviews. Using blockchain beats the conventional movie review platforms by providing increased transparency, increased security, increased efficiency ,authenticity , improved traceability and much more.The reviews once posted are stored in a blockchain in a permanent and immutable basis. Also the identity of the author is kept anonymous to a great extent and also ensures quality reviews on our platform. Decentral wood shows the number of users who tipped a particular review. A user can enter a review by specifying the movie name, genre, personal rating and a brief description about the movie. Any user who find a review can tip the author in in crypto, ensuring credible payments and avoiding the need for intermediaries, also reducing transaction charges in the process. This encourages credible reviews on our platform. Since posting reviews on the platform involves some gas fees, unecessary reviews can be avoided and quality can be upheld on the dApp.

Challenges we ran into

We faced a bit of trouble integrating front end and the smart contract using web3 and react. We made use of material-ui and bootstrap for overcoming to build the ui. Metamask was a bit of a wildcard while testing our dApp but we were able to overcome it .


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