
A Decentralized Q&A Platform and NFT Marketplace, with focus on user privacy and quality of content

Created on 13th February 2022



A Decentralized Q&A Platform and NFT Marketplace, with focus on user privacy and quality of content

The problem CryptoStack solves

There are quite a many centralized Q&A platforms today, but they present a problem that they are completey owned and controlled by a centralized entity. This results in users not having been able to take complete ownership or credit for their content. Moreover people would also find it difficult to receive reliable answers for questions pertaining to some less popular topics. Decentralization helps overcome this issue and builds a secure, completely transparent and trustless platform. CryptoStake is a blockchain-based platform which can be utilised to ask all kinds of question in various domains and receive answers from the community. Platform users can post questions, answer questions and receive rewards for their contributions. It uses an incentivization strategy to uphold the quality of content and the presence of gas fees will ward off spammers. Each user is eligible to receive points for the answers that they post in the forum. It encourage other users to respond with better quality of answers and also enhances the usefulness of the platform. These points accumulate over time, building the user reputation. If a particular answer is accepted by the user who had asked the question, the user who answered will receive 0.01 CELO tokens as a mark of appreciation. CryptoStack also has an NFT Marketplace. This is intended to be support revenue generation on platform so that rewards can be paid out to the contributors. Each NFT costs 0.1 CELO to mint, for regular users while frequent contributors are eligible to receive discounts on NFT purchases. The entire proceeds from sales goes to reward distribution for the platform users.

The smart contracts are deployed on the Celo Alfajores Test Network and we have used the Metamask wallet for making the transactions. NFT.Storage is used to store the off-chain NFT data on IPFS and Filecoin.

Challenges we ran into

We had faced some issues while integrating the wallet and our DApp and querying the data from the Blockchain. We spent some time on it, but we were finally able to get its sorted.


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