
Abhinav Rajesh

I'm a passionate full-stack developer from India and I'm a CSE undergrad @ CUSAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology). I'm the kind of person who loves to build projects and explore new technologies.

I would love to participate in hackathons and I have taken part in a few of them too. I have built a few projects including Progressive Web Apps, Mobile application, Web Apps, etc.


Mysore Tourism

Toursim website for mysore where you can get to know about the best places to visit at the best time. Helps you connect with the local guides and also visit places based on the user reviews.React, Firebase, Framer

VCR (Virtual ClassRoom)

A platfrom to make everything happening in a school/college classroom virtual.React, Firebase, Firestore, Firebase Authentication

Artistry Sandbox

A Decentralized Platform for creators and fans.Solidity, IPFS, Web3, Ethereum, nextjs, Truffle Suite, Celo, tailwind, Filecoin, ContractKit


A Decentralized Q&A Platform and NFT Marketplace, with focus on user privacy and quality of contentSolidity, IPFS, Next.js, Web3, Ethereum, Tailwind CSS, Truffle Suite, Celo, Filecoin, NFT.Storage


We help users hire freelancers/full-time/part-time employees through a secure decentralized network.Solidity, nextjs, TailWindCSS, NeonEvm

COVID-19 Tracker

A COVID-19 Tracker using React.JS framework and APIReact, JavaScript, Firebase Hosting

Weather PWA App

A progressive web app[PWA] for weather informations.React, JavaScript, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), OpenWeatherMaps API


A Nicer Look at GitHub ProfileReact, JavaScript, GitHub, Firebase Hosting


This project is a recreation of the website JensonUSA (www.jensonusa.com) with more focus on Mountain, BMX, and Electric Bikes.React, JavaScript, Firebase Hosting




  • growthcx - Software Developer Intern
    March 2021 - January 2022

    As a software developer intern, I am responsible for developing a full-stack application

  • GitHub - DevRel Engineering Intern
    February 2022 - Present

    Building internal tools and mini-projects for GitHub toserve developers in India