WhackD Bot

Bad things happen. Sometimes, they happen to you. If something does happen, you might have had secrets or revelations you wanted to share with the world. We provide a secure way to do it.

Created on 8th August 2021


WhackD Bot

Bad things happen. Sometimes, they happen to you. If something does happen, you might have had secrets or revelations you wanted to share with the world. We provide a secure way to do it.

The problem WhackD Bot solves

Whacked focuses on the following:

  1. Reliable and immutable delivery of the payload
  2. Puedo-anonymous identity management
  3. Decentralized implementation
    These features are the ones that lack in existing implementations which cause them to be unreliable and not suitable for mass public broadcasts.

Whacked is a tool with immense utility especially because of its decentralized pseudo-anonymous nature. We can immediately see how Whacked could provide insurance against violence or intimidation for journalists (think of Edward Snowden’s disclosures) or anyone who carries sensitive information and needs a reliable medium to disclose it to the world in case something goes wrong. Furthermore, you only need to reveal your identity if you want to do so making sure that once the payload is released into the network it can't be tracked to you or anyone related to you.

But the utility of Whacked does not stop there, not only can it be used for sensitive documents it can also be used by anyone who wants to reach out to the world in a reliable manner posthumously. It can be used by people to share insecurities they have always bottled in, confront people they never could, share their love for someone and so much more, in these cases Whacked becomes a tool that allows people to leave a final immutable, perpetual piece of legacy behind for all to see, obviously pseudo anonymously.

When compared to existing solutions the attraction of a decentralized solution like Whacked is obvious: censorship-resistant, and secured by everyone invested in that network and not just a few servers run by a small company that is subject to external influence, legal obligations, and other powerful forces. It also ensures that any payload delivered using Whacked persists perpetually, or until the network exists.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Abstracting out the Web3 part and providing the user with a simple UX was a bit of challenge. We overcame that by handling all the Web3 part on our server using ethereumjs-tx library which allows us to sign and send transactions on behalf of the user.

  2. Telegraf API which we used for our application was as bit tricky to work with especially the WizardScene module. We digged deeper into their Documentation and managed to figure it out.


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