Created on 19th February 2023
Traditional credit scoring systems rely heavily on centralized institutions such as credit bureaus and banks, which have limited access to data and may have biased decision-making processes.
Moreover, these systems may not be accessible to everyone, especially those who are unbanked or underbanked.
To address these issues, the goal of this hackathon is to develop a decentralized credit score calculation system that can be used by a decentralized bank to approve loans. The system is transparent, fair and inclusive.
The decentralized credit score calculation system takes into account various factors, such as payment history and income to determine an individual's credit worthiness.
The decentralized bank uses the credit score calculation system to approve loans only for those who have a good credit score, ensuring that the loans are granted to individuals who are likely to pay them back. This will help to reduce the risk of loan defaulting and ensure the sustainability of the decentralized banking system and save taxpayer's money from fraudsters, who despite having a bad history of repaying loans are granted more loans due to curruption in the existing centralized system.
By utilizing a decentralized banking system and a fair credit scoring system, we promote financial inclusion and empower individuals regardless of their background or profession.
We aim to make a real difference in the lives of individuals and communities who have historically been left behind by traditional financial systems such as farmers who grow our food and the working class that ensure through thier hardwork that our country thrives.
ThreeBanks contract to actually communicate with the ThreeCredit contract was a new task for all of us but going through a couple of youtube vidoes and online examples, we solved it by defining an interface with function names defined and then using those in the ThreeBanks contract.
I encountered a bug where I tried to return a value from a non-view function in Solidity. As a result, I was not able to access the return value of that funtion. I spent about half an hour on this silly issue. Then realised my silly error.