Created on 11th August 2022
In each matching round, there will be a a Total Match of which this represents the total amount of funds donated from various sponsors. This sponsored amount will be shared across all projects in the pool in a Quadratic Funding manner.
During the voting period, all registered users are able to donate any amount to their project that they like and a portion of the matched amount will be allocated to the project.
Quadratic funding ensures a 'fair' way of distributed the total sponsored amount as a single large contribution by an individual will amount to less weightage compared to many many small donations by many different individuals.
To reduce the risk of donars gaming the quadratic funding mechanism by creating many accounts and donating smalls amounts through the different accounts, we have also implemented a User registration mechanism of which each address can only be registered to a unique github account id.
After the voting period ends, project owners will be able to claim their donations in a streamed fashion. The total amount will be distributed gradually over time. On top of that, from time to time, project owners will be required to submit a project report through IPFS, to allow admin to verify if actual progress has been made. The admin will be able to limit how much of the final amount the project should have gotten in the case where the progress has not reached the milestone