
CheeChyuan Ang

Im a backend developer and writes solidity. I have an interest in ZKP's



It is a platform that allows aspiring buidlers to submit a project proposal to a matching round in return for a potential grant from the community.IPFS, Next.js, TypeScript, Hardhat, styled-components, Cairo, Protostar, Starknet-react, Starknet-js, Starknet Devnet

ZK-Infrastructure - by using zk proofs, allows you to CHOOSE a subset of some data and PROOF that it belongs to a whole set which has already been commited on-chain.MongoDB, DigitalOcean, nextjs, Express server, Halo2, zkcash, wasml


Secure RPC relayer to detect fraudulent activity of the destination address of transaction using machine learning model, and report to user if it is detected to be a phishing wallet.Solidity, PyTorch, scikit-learn, Deep Neural Networks, The Graph, Gnosis Chain,, zkml

RIC Rolling

The first rollup-as-a-service platform operated entirely via smart contract. Never gonna rug you up!Solidity, React, Go, Docker, Python, TypeScript, op-stack


Provide credible information to law enforcement and share personal experiences related to a hack, phishing attack, or scam in while staying anonymous using ECDSA Groups, RiscZero, and zkMLSolidity, IPFS, React, WebAssembly, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), Rust, TypeScript

Private UTXO Discovery

Allow discovery of UTXO (needed for private applications) without requiring the user to sync the application from scratch. This is done via Private information retrieval from an untrusted serverRust




  • Etherscan - Software Developer
    January 2020 - December 2021