Smart Helmet

A smart helmet that displays direction and meters remaining to the next turn on a corner of the visor and an embedded transmitter-receiver circuit that lets 2 riders to communicate with each other.


Smart Helmet

A smart helmet that displays direction and meters remaining to the next turn on a corner of the visor and an embedded transmitter-receiver circuit that lets 2 riders to communicate with each other.

The problem Smart Helmet solves

  1. An app on the phone collects google map data from Google directions API and sends it to the microcontroller on the helmet. A small display on the corner of the visor connected to the microcontroller shows arrows for direction and meters left to make the next turn. We use this minimal information display so that the rider is least distracted( removing the need to look down at the phone each time while on the bike). Similar to the technology used in the smart glasses we use a mirror and concave lens to project the contents of the display onto a corner of the visor of the helmet. Hence it gives a see-through image of the directions while the rider’s road view is not blocked.

  2. Communication between two riders through the helmet for a smooth journey:
    Two bikers on road trips find it difficult to communicate. They both have to slow down each time to talk to each other. Though this might seem like a trivial problem, it's a real challenge for bikers and travellers. Also there's difficulty faced by the passenger and the driver when both are wearing a helmet is to be able to talk properly with each other.The passenger ends up taking off their helmet due to this. This is why we are adding a walkie talkie system using FM transmitters and receivers to have a short-range communication system between two smart helmets.

  3. Making the helmet more useful than just giving protection:
    The impact when a motorcyclist involves in a high-speed accident without wearing a helmet is very dangerous and can cause fatality. Wearing a helmet can reduce shock from the impact and may save a life. This project aims at turning the regular helmet which is usually meant for just protecting the rider, into a smart helmet that has extra features that increases the rider’s need to wear a helmet.

Challenges we ran into

For maintening minimum distance for vision we had to place the display outside the visor at a minimum 25 cm distance in front of the eye. This could be avoided if a lens is placed between the visor and eye. But the challenge we faced here was that the setup to reflect from the small display onto the visor display doesn't fit inside the regular helmet. This could be avoided if a company agrees to manufacture a smart helmet and hence the spacing could be customised.
