
Cyril Shaji

At Kerala, India, where I am completing my 3rd year in the School of Engineering, CUSAT. My passion for electronic gadgets has brought me into this career path of becoming an Electronics & Communication Engineer. Life has taught me to become crafty and use the resources available around me to implement my own ideas.

But what i love the most about tech is software development and I hope to one day join the IT field. I am a quick and open learner. Apart from ECE, I spend most of my free time trying out new platforms such as IBM Cloud Bluemix, Android Studio, Web Development, etc.

I approach my projects in an organized fashion and get my work done on time. I don't give up easily and keep tryin until I find a solution. My experiences in college has taught me to become a better man. I hope to contribute to society in a positive way.


Smart Helmet

A smart helmet that displays direction and meters remaining to the next turn on a corner of the visor and an embedded transmitter-receiver circuit that lets 2 riders to communicate with each other.Android Studio, Arduino IDE, Arduino, HC-05 BT module, OLED I2C Display






A platform to help educational institutions to conduct their exams in multiple centers so that students can avoid traveling long distances.Firebase, Android Studio, Flutter, Dart Programming Language

Cusat Project Portal

Portal for CUSAT students that aims to bridge the gap between learning experience of students and the working environment. Connects students with CUSAT alumni and mentors to help them get referals.HTML, JavaScript

AI Driven Covid Risk Analyzer

An AI driven risk analyzer that categorizes Covid test participants into groups of high, medium and low risk. Hence making pooled testing more efficient while reducing time and cost per test.Node-RED, IBM Cloud, IBM Watson Assistant., IBM Watson Discovery

Basic Banking App

A simple banking android app to showcase my skills on android studio.Java, Android Studio, SQLite

Trace QR

Welcome to Trace QR! This app helps you to avoid having to write your details into a registry at every store you go to during this pandemic.Firebase, Android Studio, Flutter, Dart Programming Language

Amazon Trace

Welcome to the Amazon Trace App! We will help you sort out your product reviews.HTML, Flask, Python, Microsoft Azure, Azure Sentiment Analysis, Jinja2, TextRank


Project SPARK - Introducing Gameification in Education!HTML, Flask, Machine Learning, Unity, SQLite, Python, C#, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Jinja2


Hardware Engineering
Arduino Programming
Microsoft Azure
IBM Cloud