
Meenakshi Sajeev

I'm currently pursuing my degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Cochin University of Science and Technology(CUSAT). I'm an enthusiast in coding and web development. My programming skills spans over C, C++ and Java and am a novice in Python. I've been programming since school. Since my core subject in academics(in college) is electronics which has more to do with hardware, I only recently started trying my hand in software. Though, I'm quite thorough in HTML, CSS and know just some basics in JavaScript. I've started building some projects in web development. I'm also trying my hand in app development since that's also one of my key interests and especially because its required as a part of my mini project in college. I had recently participated in a hackathon in my college(online) and it was great fun building a web app for our college campus. Other projects made by me are attached in my profile. Looking forward to taking part in other fun Hackathons happening online now, and hence get a chance to build and showcase some amazing ideas in my head.


Smart Helmet

A smart helmet that displays direction and meters remaining to the next turn on a corner of the visor and an embedded transmitter-receiver circuit that lets 2 riders to communicate with each other.Android Studio, Arduino IDE, Arduino, HC-05 BT module, OLED I2C Display

AI Driven Covid Risk Analyzer

An AI driven risk analyzer that categorizes Covid test participants into groups of high, medium and low risk. Hence making pooled testing more efficient while reducing time and cost per test.Node-RED, IBM Cloud, IBM Watson Assistant., IBM Watson Discovery

Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser

An automatic Dispenser that uses an IR sensor to detect the presence of our hand and dispenses sanitizer into it, so that spreading of bacteria and viruses due to physical contact with the sanitizer.TinkerCad


App Development
Web Application Development