JobLo - Recruitment Assistant

Recruitment Assistant using Job Profile Filtering

Created on 2nd February 2020


JobLo - Recruitment Assistant

Recruitment Assistant using Job Profile Filtering

The problem JobLo - Recruitment Assistant solves

JobLo automates the process of a recruiter swiping through resumes by directly providing a dynamic interface with resumes segregated and classified as per the skillset using Resume Parser. The recruiters can use the search engine to filter out job profiles according to their requirements.

Resume Parser

Full name extraction using spaCy.
Education extraction using NLTK corpus matching.
Email & phone number extraction using Regex.
Skills set extraction using spaCy. Rule-based matching against noun chunks.

Recommendation System

Finding the most similar words using the GenSim Word2Vec model trained on a corpus of technical terms.

Web Scraping

Scraping profiles from LinkedIn using Scrapy and Selenium.

Designation Extraction

NER tagger for scraping designation from the text using spaCy.
Matching entered keyword with a designation from filtered resumes.

Challenges we ran into

Web Scraping the profiles from LinkedIn took us a lot of time.


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