
Anup Joseph

I am an enthusiastic student looking for opportunities to prove myself.I specialize in the field of Machine Learning.
These are some of the projects I have built as part of my college work and participating in competitions

Using Probabilistic Tag Modeling to Improve Recommendations

  • User behaviour on a website is extremely valuable information which helps to identify the similarities among users and help to target a subset of users in a better informed and more informed ways.

  • In this project we modelled the information in form of a knowledge graph with
    Nodes -> search term in the websites
    Edges -> clicks and purchases on a product after the search

  • After creating such a structure we applied walktrap community detection over the graph to cluster the similar search terms together. The pagerank algorithm was applied over every sub-cluster to find out the central tag in the every sub-cluster. Various algorithms were then applied to provide recommendations. For further information please see this file

Automated Land use classification Using AI/ML

  • Develop a deep-learning based software for automatically classifying land-use from multi-temporal multi-spectral high-resolution satellite imagery. The developed model should be scalable/efficient to allow rapid mapping of incoming datasets and must incorporate a web-based viewer for visualizing input as well as classified output. The viewer interface must also allow the user to visualize changes that have occurred within a given timeframe.

Semantic Classification of call-center conversations

  • We created a tri-layered Dockerized pipeline for analyzing and understanding customer satisfaction in cal-center calls.
  • Diarization - Aalto ASR software to diarize i.e. to separate the voices among the call-center employee and customer
  • Transcription - Using Mozilla deepspeech model to create a transcript of the audio. Used transfer learning to improve the accuracy of the model on Indian English
    Emotion Analysis - Tried out different approaches to understand the emotion of the customer from customer voice during various periods of the call and assign a composite score at the end of the call



Be OnTime Always

JobLo - Recruitment Assistant

Recruitment Assistant using Job Profile FilteringReact, Flask, spaCy, Beautiful Soup, SQLite, Natural language processing (NLP), Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

You the Explorer

Your friendly neighbourhood bot to explore the world with youReact, Dialogflow




  • Olcademy - Artifical Neural Networks Intern
    March 2020 - July 2020
    • Researched on the various techniques for creating an effective recommendation system which can effectively leverage the amount of data collected by the organization and be scalable at the same time
    • Created a pipeline for adding the user background information into the recommendation system to improve its effectiveness.
    • Received a letter of appreciation for my efforts in building the recommendation system
      Created a recommendation system based on the constructed knowledge graph to more effectively cater to the users in the system
    • Modelled the interactions of user with the website including clicks, purchases and wishlists into a knowledge graph which can be used to find the most utilized products in the environment
  • Omdena - Junior ML Engineer
    August 2020 - October 2020
    • Participated in satellite image acquisition for the project "Modelling financial Well-being using satellite imagery and Remote Sensing"
    • Worked on training, improving and optmizing the model architecture for predicting economic and social development data using the 2011 Indian Census data
    • Working on layering the relevant financial, infrastructural data on satellite imagery for creating a baseline model to derive the general well-being of the populace
  • World Resources Institute - Intern
    October 2020 - Present

    Working on extracting information and data preparation of electricity consumption of Tamil Nadu from various publicly available sources and using it for further steps to the analysis pipeline