
Sarvesh Kulkarni

A computer science engineering student who wants to pursue a challenging career and be a part of a progressive organization that gives a scope to enhance my knowledge and utilizing my skills towards the growth of the organization. I have highly focused on the domain of Machine Learning and improvised my skills in the department as such.


JobLo - Recruitment Assistant

Recruitment Assistant using Job Profile FilteringReact, Flask, spaCy, Beautiful Soup, SQLite, Natural language processing (NLP), Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

Canteen eCommerce Web App

A canteen eCommerce web-app with features like customizable menu, menu schedule, cashless transactions and many more.Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

Deploying Machine Learning Models using Ansible

DevOps tool to deploy machine learning models in a suitable Linux environment.Deep Learning, Ansible

Mindfulness - Your Mental Fitness Assistant

Mental Health Detection, Analysis, Diagnosis and Therapy AssistanceReact, Flask, TensorFlow, Deep Learning, Natural language processing (NLP), Dialogflow


Machine Learning
Web development
C & C++