
A smart water system for every household to reuse the waste water from purifiers along with a smart gardening system based on IoT.

The problem Hydravo solves

For every Litre of water purified from purifiers, there is 3L water wasted. We have come up with a solution to reuse this wastewater for everyday uses thus saving huge sums of water. For instance, there are 21.6 million households in Bangalore, let us be generous and assume that only 5 million of them use water purifiers in a city like Bangalore. And if each of this house is a micro family consisting of 4 people, we are looking at an approximation consumption of 8L per day which in turn means that there are 24L of water wasted every day from one household, Now multiply that with 5 million households of Bangalore, we are looking at an approximate wastage of 120 million liters of water every day which can be reused thus helping us save water.
Our proposed solution is an IoT based Smart Water System for households which uses the stored wastewater for purposes like, gardening, flush in bathrooms, washing vehicles etc.
The main reason why people don't opt to reuse water is not due to their ignorance but due to their busy schedule, The solution proposed by us tackles this very reason as all the end user of this system has to do is open his mobile and tap on few buttons and that's it, you just saved water and made earth a better place. This system helps in reusing water and also encourages people to opt for small gardens maintainable from their fingers thus reducing the carbon footprint too.

Challenges we ran into

Automating the entire process, logical coding and iterations helped solve this issue. Also the connection of hardware to cloud and then to app was a big hurdle which we solved by trials.

Technologies used
