COVID19-AID - Remote education and Healthcare

An all in one aid for COVID19: remote education app with foul speech filtering using Watson API and all features of an education app and a IoT powered Android App Robocare making patient care easier

The problem COVID19-AID - Remote education and Healthcare solves

All of our team members are college-going students and we are facing a lot of problems in communicating with our college administration and teachers. Our college is using some remote education apps for online classes- Microsoft Team app:
But during our online classes, some random students add themselves up in the online session and disturb the class either by abusing or harassing teachers and other students (We all must have seen this behavior all around the nation through WhatsApp forwards), this act spoils the whole energy of the class and in turn, the teacher decides to end the class.
Teachers also complained about the online test procedures, as there is no way a teacher can invigilate students while taking exams as students can open up the book in their home. So, teachers are demanding a way to invigilate students while taking the exam.
We are planning to add Video call functionality with a special feature of blocking students who are speaking abusive or bad words during a live session. The student will be reported to the admin of the app and all the records of the blocked student will be sent to the admin app, We also plan to have chat room for each classroom and scheduling appointments, uploading submissions and getting grades. Moreover, we also plan to implement online proctored tests feature. The voice filtering feature will help maintain ethic and follow certain protocols.

An IoT powered gadget that can be set up on a wheelchair for patients particularly suffering from cerebral palsy, and any other patient in general, in isolation centres, hospitals. CP patients have a brain function disability, Our app will use Computer Vision algorithms to detect excessive drooling in such patients, monitor the heart rate and body temperature and sound an alarm if the value rises above the threshold to the doctor or caretaker who is using our android APP, monitor the battery count w app. This will promote social distancing while taking care of large pool of patients.

Challenges we ran into

We faced many challenges like detecting and blocking students who speak the abusive language during the live class. We wanted to make something that everyone can relate with offline college activities. Therefore, we need proper planning and structure. The assignment section needed a proper structure to be executed.
Teachers all over the globe wanted a platform for cheat-proof examination. Our challenge was to make a cam proctored examination with cheat-proof features like on leaving the test you can not re-enter it. Recently there was an outrage on Youtube regarding an old teacher faculty being mistreated whilst taking classes online. Such problems need to be addresses.
Also making the Room for chat and video proctoring feature for conducting online exams was a challenging task ahead.

For the health app Robocare, setting up the circuit and then connecting the Arduino output with Cloud storage google firebase using NodeMCU, we were able to send real time patient data to the database and communicate the same within the app dashboard. Playing around with a neat and easy to use UI for the app and prototyping it was another good challenge. Also working remotely through whatsapp and interacting and working together through all ups and downs in indeed a great challenge. We enjoyed all the help from the team of HAC and buzzing and glad to be part of the hackathon. Sounding an alarm after crossing the threshold value and also implementing the Computer vision OpenCV algorithm to detect discomfort or drooling was another uphill task. We managed to pool in resoiurces, and use our skillset to make a wonderful product and provide the documentation. We have given the apk for both apps in a google drive and uploaded a video on youtube explaining the project overall. Please view the app screenshots in the github repo as only a few can be listed here. Thank you so much. what a weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed every bit.
