

Android Developer
Backend developer
Full Stack Dev


COVID19-AID - Remote education and Healthcare

An all in one aid for COVID19: remote education app with foul speech filtering using Watson API and all features of an education app and a IoT powered Android App Robocare making patient care easierFirebase, Android, OpenCV, NodeMCU, IBM Watson, Adobe XD, Arduino, Tableau, IBM Cloud, Ultrasonic Sensor


Spring Boot
Android developer


  • smallcase - Android Developer

    Built from scratch Sankey View which is a custom view built to showcase user’s portfolio in a more enhanced
    Built a view called scorecard which had a custom wave animation to display score metric of every stock.
    Worked on a seamlessly integrating smallcases into the tickertape app.

  • Tickertape - SWE Intern (Backend)
    January 2022 - June 2022

    Worked on automating transfer of data from MariaDB to OracleDB using ETL tool and custom cron jobs.
    Created a monolith application with with Spring for backend and ReactJS for frontend for showing status
    of data transfer and manual running for cron jobs.
    Worked with Data transfer Tools like Pentaho for automating data transfer.
    Working with Spring Boot to help maintain backend that supports the adjustment’s portal that caters to a
    lot of users.
    Created a multi-threading capacity for certain processes thus reducing the overall load on application leading
    to a crash free experience.