CoinCollab is an innovative financial collaboration platform that operates as a Rotating Savings and Credit Association (ROSCA) system. At its core, CoinCollab brings together a community of members who collectively pool their financial resources for a mutual financial benefit. The platform revolves around a unique bidding mechanism, fostering a competitive yet cooperative environment among its members.
CoinCollab addresses the common challenge of accessing financial resources and opportunities within a community. Many individuals, especially in underserved or financially excluded areas, face hurdles in securing loans or investments due to traditional banking constraints. CoinCollab revolutionizes this scenario by providing a platform where community members collaboratively pool their resources, engage in competitive yet equitable bidding, and collectively benefit from financial dividends.
By doing so, CoinCollab effectively democratizes financial access, offering a solution to the prevalent issue of limited financial inclusivity and empowering individuals to overcome financial challenges collectively. We utilize the SAFE multi-sig in order to securely store and distribute pooled funds. Push protocol is used to send out notifications to the members in the savings circles to make their contribution. Zero knowledge proofs are also implemented in the bidding mechanism to have privacy and transparency in bidding.
The multi-sig wasn't available on other testnets, so we had to utilize a hot key on those chains. Time constraints as well..
Tracks Applied (6)
Ethereum Foundation
Push Protocol
Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.