Created on 6th May 2023
The problem of Littering is the most untalked about yet is causing the most fatal effects on the lives of people living in urban areas of Nepal. As we are moving towards the technologically advanced future, we are planning on solving the problem through the use of machines hence, CleanCam. The government bodies will be able to use our product to run through the CCTV cameras and find the guilty of littering. CleanCam is a real time AI based application that detects a person throwing a garbage and alerts the respective parties of the guilty. We have a separate database system that captures the photo of the guilty and stores them in the database which is later shown in our website as suspects. Through this system, people would be scared of getting the legal punishment and that would gradually and eventually stop the littering cases.
This project was very new to us and we faced a lot of challenges. Firstly we had problems with storing the images captured in between the videos to our database and later accessing it to display them in our website. Secondly, we had problems with live streaming of our videos while doing it in google colab. Since, we have limited GPUs in our laptop, we couldn't process the videos smoothly. But, with the collaborative effort of our team, we solved these problems and successfully completed the project.
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