
Rojesh Shrestha

I'm a Fourth Semester Computer Science student currently studying BSc. CSIT at
Amrit Science Campus(ASCOL). I am looking forward to build my career in Machine Learning field.



Doctorsahab is a one stop virtual health solution for people having difficult access to proper healthcare.React, Django, TensorFlow, Streamlit, Pusher, tailwind


"Swachha sahar, sabaiko rahar" is the slogan of our project. Our project "CleanCam" focuses on finding the guilty of littering in the urban places of Nepal.React, Flask, OpenCV, Google Colab, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, YOLOv8

Banking Management System

This project was a group project done by me and my other 3 friends. In this system, we tended to built a banking system like a mobile banking with the help of libraries in C language.C Langauge

MNIST Handwritten Digit Recognizer

In this project, I have trained a ML model that classifies the handwritten digit images among the class from 0-9.TensorFlow, Keras, NumPy, Python, Jupyter Notebook, PIL

Tesla Stock Prediction

With the help of dataset I got from the UCI repo, I did this ML project to be familiar with prediction supervisedd learning algorithms.NumPy, pandas, Python, Jupyter Notebook


Data Structures