
Anupama Rai

Computer undergrad. Tech and AI enthusiast.



Doctorsahab is a one stop virtual health solution for people having difficult access to proper healthcare.React, Django, TensorFlow, Streamlit, Pusher, tailwind


"Swachha sahar, sabaiko rahar" is the slogan of our project. Our project "CleanCam" focuses on finding the guilty of littering in the urban places of Nepal.React, Flask, OpenCV, Google Colab, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, YOLOv8


This is a rest api containing all the information from the election 2079 B.S. The information includes the elected candidates from their respective area, the respective votes and parties in real time.Heroku, PostgreSQL, Django rest framework, Python Django

Banking management system

This is the first project I did as a computer student in my freshman year. This is a project based on C programming languages and contains every function a banking management system has in general.C programming Language

Plant Disease Classification

This project takes the picture of the plant leaf as an input and gives output whether it is affected by any disease or not.TensorFlow, Python, Convolutional neural network (CNN), Keras CNN, FastAPI

Machine Learning Projects

This is all the projects I have done while learning Machine Learning Specialization from Coursera.Machine Learning


Machine Learning
RESTful API Design