Automated Gas cylinder Monitoring System (AGMS)

Our system monitors the daily usage of LPG cylinders and is capable of notifying the user of any unforeseen mishappenings such as leakage. It also enables timely replacement of the cylinders.

The problem Automated Gas cylinder Monitoring System (AGMS) solves

AGMS makes peoples lives easier in the following ways:

1.) Weight Monitoring

  • The weight of the gas is continuously monitored using a load-cell and HX711 amplifier.

2.) Leakage Detection and alerting

  • This subsumes the conventional messages, an android application, and a proposed web app for notifying about leakage detection.

3.) Display for displaying the leftover quantity of gas.

5.) Online Database for storing weight and usage patterns.

6.) Android application

  • LPG use patterns are monitored and transmitted to the database which is then displayed on an Android application.

7.) Automatic gas booking by measuring the usage patterns

Hitherto no such system exists. The above points clearly enumerate that, this is a completely new concept that can transform the lives of people by making gas bookings a less harrowing experience.

Challenges we ran into

Following are the challenges we ran into:

1.) GSM + GPRS module (SIM 800L)

  • The purpose of this module was to be able to send messages, but unfortunately, we were not able to get a hold of the module. We were not able to start the module, as yet we don't know why is this so.

2.) Calibration

  • Calibrating the load-cell was another challenge. Even after proper calibration, the output values kept on varying. Later on, we inferred that we had not connected the load cell to the common ground.

3.) Database

  • We checked out many databases. As we are relatively new to databases it was hard to get a good grasp of how databases work.
