
Adarsh V S

I am a B-Tech electronics and Instrumentation student, worked on projects involving IoT, web development, basic Machine learning and deep learning


Automated Gas cylinder Monitoring System (AGMS)

Our system monitors the daily usage of LPG cylinders and is capable of notifying the user of any unforeseen mishappenings such as leakage. It also enables timely replacement of the cylinders.Java, C++, Android SDK, Database, Microcontroller, NodeMCU IoT


Helps in monitoring the water quality for better water treatment and reduce the wastage of water,measuring aspects like pH of the water, turbidity,dissolved oxygen, and many more based on requirementArduino Uno, Arduino IDE, Sensors, LCD Screen, NodeMCU IoT, ccs


Helps in monitoring the water quality for better water treatment and reduce the wastage of water,measuring aspects like pH of the water, turbidity,dissolved oxygen, and many more based on requirementArduino Uno, Arduino IDE, Sensors, LCD Screen, NodeMCU IoT, ccs


Machine Learning
Arduino IDE