
Godson Thomas

Embedded Systems And Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast


Automated Cylinder Monitoring System (ACMS)

Affordable LPG gas cylinder monitoring module which monitors cylinder’s weight,leakage etc..& notifies users depending on cylinder’s health status via App & SMS.Gas bookings&Subsidy info can be viewedAndroid Studio, Arduino IDE, IFTTT, Arduino, SMS, Sensors, ESP8266 Wifi MCU, Google Sheets, App development


To provide a better and efficient solution to the problems faced by the bedridden especially the paralysed patients.EEG Capture

Automated Gas cylinder Monitoring System (AGMS)

Our system monitors the daily usage of LPG cylinders and is capable of notifying the user of any unforeseen mishappenings such as leakage. It also enables timely replacement of the cylinders.Java, C++, Android SDK, Database, Microcontroller, NodeMCU IoT

Automated Cylinder Monitoring System(ACMS)

Affordable LPG gas cylinder monitoring module which monitors cylinder’s weight,leakage etc..& notifies users depending on cylinder’s health status via App & SMS.Gas bookings&Subsidy info can be viewedAndroid Studio, Arduino IDE, IFTTT, Microcontroller, Sensors, Google Sheets, IOT NODE - MCU

Automated Cylinder Monitoring System (ACMS)

Affordable LPG gas cylinder monitoring module which monitors cylinder’s weight,leakage etc..& notifies users depending on cylinder’s health status via App & SMS.Gas bookings&Subsidy info can be viewedAndroid Studio, Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, IFTTT, Database, Sensors, NodeMCU IoT, Google Sheets, App development

Automated Cylinder Monitoring System (ACMS)

Affordable LPG gas cylinder monitoring module which monitors cylinder’s weight,leakage etc..& notifies users depending on cylinder’s health status via App & SMS.Gas bookings&Subsidy info can be viewedAndroid Studio, IFTTT, Arduino, SMS, NodeMCU IoT, Google Sheets, Proteus, Ardiuno IDE


Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision
Embedded Systems
IOT(Internet of things)


  • RoboSlog - Robotics Developer
    October 2020 - November 2020

    Worked(Part-Time) as a Robotics Developer

  • PACE LAB - Intern
    August 2020 - September 2020


  • KAMCO - Intern
    July 2019 - August 2019
