
A Blockchain based flow from producer to consumer, basically a SaaS to eliminate loopholes from public distribution systems such as Ration system etc..

Created on 26th January 2020



A Blockchain based flow from producer to consumer, basically a SaaS to eliminate loopholes from public distribution systems such as Ration system etc..

The problem Agriblock solves

This model eliminates the middleman attacks between the systems, by keeping a check over the processing of assets and money transfer between each nodes of the chain. Services like ration market or vegetable services face problems where the intermidiate distributors possess unfair rights over the assets being transferred through them and charge higher fees for those. This model uses the blockchain technology to connect them all int a system where each intermidiate person will form a node and each node will be accountable for the quantity of asset they possess and money they charge.
This basically puts a stop over black marketing of goods which can stop increase in their prices due to higher demands of goods among people.
Transactions between nodes will be secure and can't be manipulated by any source and this can help people by ensuring proper and continuous flow from the producer to consumer.

Challenges we ran into

The only problem we faced during this challenge was creating a simple UI while scaling this project. Our main goal is to make it easier to use even for illiterate people so while scaling the model we had to compromise with a simple UI at few moments.

Technologies used


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