
Aditya Rana

Hi everyone, Aditya here

Currently a final year undergraduate student at NIT, Trichy.

I like to work, travel, play outdoor games, reading books and listening songs.
I am an experienced Android Developer who loves to make Open-Source Android projects. Apart from development I enjoy Competitive programming as a hobby. I have been involved in programming for past 2 years and I am constantly working to improve my skills. I have also been a part of our college's coding society The Delta Force, where we work on many real life applications used by people in our college and around the campus.

Recently developed a keen interest in Operating Systems, kernels, Compilers and crafting open-source dev tools from scratch.

  • Programming Languages: Java, C, C++, Kotlin, Rust, Go, Javascript, groovy, GLSL, Processing

  • AndroidDevelopmrnt: Android Studio, Kotlin/Native, Android Jetpack, Gradle, kotlin-dsl, OpenGL

  • Tools: Linux, Android OS, AOSP, Compilers



A Blockchain based flow from producer to consumer, basically a SaaS to eliminate loopholes from public distribution systems such as Ration system etc..React, Django, Python

Your Moody Friend

An app which provides real-time monitoring of your mobile usage, to analyse your emotional and mental state, along with predicting your mood and helping you as a digital friend.Django, TensorFlow, Python, Kotlin


A reliable DEX Provider to help you jump on the wagon and make some quick bucks.GraphQL, Twitter API, Uniswap, Nodejs, 1inch, Sushiswap API


Android based parental controller app which can fetch live location of child ,can access the sceen data (screenshots),message log and call logs with a single click from the app.Firebase, Android, Java, XML, OAuth, Android SDK, Google Maps API, Android MediaProjection API, Networking


Sketchbook written in Processing Language to promote visual literacyJavaScript, Sketch, Android, Java, Processing


Blockchain Architecture


  • Google Summer of Code - Student Developer | Processing-Foundation
    May 2020 - September 2020
    • https://medium.com/@ranaaditya/google-summer-of-code20-final-progress-report-7738aaaf6b1f

    • Rewrite Processing’s native-mode and added support for native binaries for the **multiplatform **support of mobile devices using Kotlin/Native

    • Upgraded the Built System from Groovy to Kotlin Script

    • Solved the existing OPENGL renderer and Android APIs integration issues