Bhavesh Mandhan


Skill iconPython
Skill iconGo
Skill iconRuby on Rails
Skill iconC++
Skill iconReact.js

Aligarh, India

Hi folks, Bhavesh this side

Currently a final year undergrad student at NIT Trichy

*I love listening to music, playing football, and traveling. Being a passionate coder, finding innovative and creative solutions to new challenges has always attracted me. My interests involve competitive programming, software development, and playing CTFs. I have interned at **Oracle *and Hackerrank as a Software Engineer where I worked on their core codebases. I have also been involved in programming for the past 3 years and I am constantly working to improve my skills. I have also been a part of our college's coding society The Delta Force, where we work on many real-life applications used by people in our college and around the campus. Check out my resume for further details.

Δ Programming Languages: • Python • C++ • C • JavaScript •
TypeScript • Go • Ruby
</> Web Development: •HTML • CSS • React • Nextjs • NodeJS • Ruby on Rails •
Flask • Django • PHP • Laravel
⚙️ Tools: • Linux • Git • Apache • Docker • MySQL •
GCP • AWS • Bash • Azure • Oracle cloud • Nginx