Skejj | DAPP Media Uploader for IPFS

Use Skejj to upload images, video, and audio to IPFS. Add description and tags to help others find your content. Make your media public, or generate access tokens to control who can use it, and how.

The problem Skejj | DAPP Media Uploader for IPFS solves

Media on IPFS can be difficult to discover, and is not always optimized for quick browsing and searching. Skejj is an easy way for users to upload images, video, and audio to IPFS and add descriptions and tags to help others find your content. Thumbnails and video previews are generated from the original media file, to allow for quick loading and browsing. Media can be public (Creative Commons / Public Domain) or private. Use Metamask and access tokens to upload and download private media. Public content is stored un-encrypted on IPFS, and does not require Metamask or login.
