
John Agbanusi

I'm a full-stack web developer skilled in Python, Javascript, Rust, Golang, MongoDB and Postgresql databases and have experience in blockchain technologies from Solidity, to thirdweb, truffle, hardhat, ethers, etc. I love to learn and build things big or small and I love to read and write articles about new and emerging technologies and their impacts.

I focus more on full stack web3 technologies and have a very good foundation in Javascript, Solidity and Rust languages due to constantly learning about these technologies and their frameworks like web3.js, ethers.js, hardhat, truffle, react, node.js and next.js for more than four years and also have about three years of professional experience and freelance experience in the blockchain space.

I’m dedicated to learning, experimenting and embracing new technologies, goal-oriented, love contributing to open source projects and I’m a fast and avid learner. I love building amazing software and possess a high sense of responsibility and experience with leadership positions, and I’m always ready to give 100% to the cause.


Skejj | DAPP Media Uploader for IPFS

Use Skejj to upload images, video, and audio to IPFS. Add description and tags to help others find your content. Make your media public, or generate access tokens to control who can use it, and how.IPFS, Bootstrap, MetaMask, Infura, Ganache, reactjs, Truffle Suite, Web3js

Frodo Estate

A web3 fractional estate investment projectSolidity, React, OpenZeppelin, MetaMask, foundry, coinbase, Blitz, Solmate




  • PlayTreks - Full
  • PlayTreks - Fulls stack and blockchain engineer
    December 2021 - Present
  • SplitSpot - Full stack developer
    December 2020 - December 2021
  • Kumba - Frontend
  • Kumba - Frontend developer
    December 2020 - June 2021
  • ISmile Technologies - Full stack developer Intern
    June 2020 - December 2020