Created on 20th February 2021
Forward swap is a decentralized exchange on top of Biconomy forward swap and Uniswap-V2 protocol. If someone wants to exchange erc20-erc20 tokens then he needs to eth as a gas fees. forward swap solve this problem and now if you do not have eth and you want to swap token and you want to pay fees in other token like DAI, USDC and USDT then it is possible using forward swap meta transaction. So, In summary you can swap in any other stable coin instead ETH.
I used uniswap open-source frontend code for my project. which is very hard to understand and difficult to add your code on top of it. But by the time, I was ble to crack it and make my own components on top of it. TBH, I took help from other for in UI-part.
Technologies used