
Chessverse is a browser extension that enables users to stake and play chess with their friends on preexisting and popular platforms.

The problem ChessVerse solves

We bring a decentralized settlement layer on top of web2 chess platforms like Lichess to enhance the playing experience by giving users the ability to stake and play using the interface they are very familiar with.

How it works

  • Install the ChessVerse chrome extension 👆
  • Create a challenge on LiChess.org & Share the Link ♟️
  • Stake & Play 💸

Right now due various contraints we only support Lichess, but we aim to support more platforms in the future.

Challenges we ran into

  • Building a proxy for LiChess API since Chainlink doesn't support consuming string datatype response out of the box.
  • Integrating ERC20 token staking was troublesome with Portis wallet but we later shifted to Metamask as our primary wallet.
  • As the extension leverages DOM manipulation to add features on top of the platform, interacting with web3 libraries caused a lot of friction.
