I love to build stuff, right from wireframing minimalistic designs to get the product shipped, am self-driven and I absolutely love the process.
Meet-In-The-Middle is one of my personal projects which I built over a weekend some time back. It’s a simple WebApp that shows places to meet on a common MapView to all the friends planning to meet by just sharing a unique link. The most interesting (and also challenging) part about the project was bringing my vision to life. The idea was quite mediocre until I thought of implementing the “Common MapView” for friends on different devices using the concept of PubSub on JavaScript.
One of my collaborative projects, Briefly - A source-based news in short; revamped later into different versions has helped my team win Mumbai Hackathon 2018 and also a few Ideathons. I primarily worked on the backend of the application and also helped design the WebApp.
I've attended a lot of hackathons (virtual and in-person) in the past, including the InOut 5.0 (2018). I do Open Source most of my personal and collaborative projects on my GitHub handle.
• Built an Email Module from scratch for ERP Systems using FrappeJS, NodeMailer & EmailJS IMAP Client under Frappe Accounting as a part of Summer of Code Program [ https://github.com/inishchith/accounting ]
• Worked in a team to solve enterprise issues under accounting category, specifically Email Module as a part of the initial sprint.
• Worked on Query Expansion using Word2Vec in order to improve the search interface of the product
• Worked on building data pipelines from different sources and serving them using Docker & Kubernetes.
~ [ Python, Flask, AWS, Google Cloud Platform ]
• Added support of source code related metrics to Grimoirelab with the help of analytical data produced by Graal.
• Incorporated a new set of analyzers to detect and identify licenses, flake8 discrepancies and programming languages used in a software repository.
• Implemented Query-Chunk solution to decrease the execution time and memory usage of analyzers by more than 50%.
• Added tests for additional backends, their corresponding supporting connectors, and methods.
• Created dashboards using Kibana to visualize the metrics and manage multiple software repositories.
• Worked on Full-Disk Image (a layer on top of Raspbian Lite OS) which shipped with custom software, supports first boot actions, and OTA updates for our custom IoT Hub.
• The MVP version of the hub would take 4 minutes or less for the setup, first boot, and around 30 seconds on subsequent boots.
• Contributed to a couple of components to securely make the hub accessible remotely.
• Contributed to the Home Assistant Project on a few relevant components.