We've created new identity/credential legos that can be used individually or together in many contexts and use cases:
- SourceCred currently relies on the manual creation of aliases by the instance admin to aggregate Cred across accounts & platforms (Github, Discord, & Discourse). We created a service that allows the admin to automatically generate and link aliases from a list of ETH address. The service matches ETH address to IDX DID then to the associated index records.
- Our myColorado IdentityLink service allows a user to add their digital Colorado ID as a verifiable credential to their IDX DID, so it is user-owned & controlled. Their credential can be used independently of the myColorado app in any number of ways.
- Our Property Ownership Oracle (Chainlink) allows contracts to verify the owner of a land parcel in Denver County. For this POC, we're using publicly available data and an exact name match (which could be compared to their digital ID credential). This service could be remixed to create a verifiable land title credential in IDX, as well. We plan to use this type of data for an AR metaverse project outside of this hackathon, the Geo Web (https://geoweb.network/).
- We created a simple UI template to allow developers and users to more easily create verifiable credentials and link accounts to IDX DIDs.