
Will Holcomb

I'm a long time developer – primarily in Rails for much of my career, but migrating to Javascript as my work has become primarily serverless and focused on the web3 space.

I fervently believe that our production capacity is such that we are capable of living in a post-scarcity society if we can but design more equitable resource distribution schemes.

The areas that I think are ripest for revision are: policing, the black market, couriering, skills verification, hosteling, and property management. I have general designs for each, but am interested in collaborating with others to make those ideas more realistic and palatable to a wider audience.

At times the fervor of my belief has gotten out of sync with reality. I've become convinced that with the right design or narrative a major social revolution would be possible in weeks or months. As I've gained more experience I see the vast majority of people as resistant to alter their core beliefs and only doing so with significant "social proof" from their peer group.

I'm currently at something of a loss as to what the revolution will look like. I'm spending alot of time in the charitable DAO space and learning what others' picture of the coming change looks like.


Identity Lego Starter Set (4 pcs)

Demonstrating the power of decentralized identity through several new identity legos (SourceCred, myColorado, Property Ownership, & IdentityLink) that can be mixed & matched to enable new use cases.IPFS, Chainlink, Ceramic Network, iDX, SourceCred, myColorado, IdentityLink

