Modern day zk-snarks and stark cryptosystem have taken over for generating zero knowledge proofs for ANY "private" computation. The general solution that the ecosystem seems to have taken is the usage of Virtual Machines. While this is an actively developed and researched area , there is always some extra overhead load when it comes to using these VMs for generating the proofs of computations. Signifanct computational resources are required for generating these proofs. Another major obstruction in proof generation these days is the use of several distinct DSLs to generate circuits and proofs for different computations. We have therefore devloped compiler type support for various general High Level Languages . Our compiler pipelines enables you to input your computations in any High Level Language and generate proofs for the same followed by subsequent proofs and verification. The things which makes our compiler stand out is the supoort for various types of backends i.e various circuit and proof systems. So we can basically have any type of frontend develop different and custom type backends so for example any arbritary circuit specific rust code can make groth16 proofs or maybe any python code can generate spartan generated proofs.
The main huddles faced while making this project was developtiong the frontend of the compiler of distinct High Level Programming Languages. Finding grammers of various programming languages and developing the parser for them was an intensive and time consuming task. The other most intensive task was using the circifier library to generate the CIRC IR.
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