Hello , I am Aditya a sophomore at IIT Delhi. My major interests include Blockchain and Machine learning. I've been working on Blockchain Ideation for a fair amount of time now and now I've started learning and working on Blockchain Development as well.
Renewable Energy Tracking and Exchange platform powered by Ethereum and Polygon where the users are able to track, buy and trade renewable resources and generate Renewable Energy Certificates (REC).Solidity, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, GitHub, TypeScript, Ethereum, BlockStack, reactjsenDE
First KYC'd blockchain with multiple precompiles.Golang, nextjs, Hardhat, Soldity, Avalanche-Precompile-EvmZKin.gen
We present ZKin.gen - our novel ZK based decentralised ancestry detection framework, which is completely onchain! #ETHIndia 2023 Project for zkZombiesSolidity, Node.js, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), ZoKrates, React.js, IPFS / Filecoin, Push Protocol, Scroll ZkEVM, Genetic AlgorithmsZcomp
The adaptable compilerPython, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), ZoKrates, VSCODE, Compiler, groth16, parser, RICS, RUST TOOLCHAIN, CIR CSkills