Helps in monitoring the water quality for better water treatment and reduce the wastage of water,measuring aspects like pH of the water, turbidity,dissolved oxygen, and many more based on requirement

The problem W-QMS solves

  • Mainly helps the fish farmers, for example when acid rainfall takes place pH of water decreases up to 5, which happens in a few hours and all the fish starts to die because of low pH, this happens especially in rural areas which cost them a huge loss.
    *So what fish farmers do nowadays are keep on changing the water, again and again, to filter out the acid rain without even checking the acidity of water.
    *According to google 10 liters of water could hold around 3 to 4 fishes so you can imagine how much water a farmer has to replace on a 100 fish pond. So our product here consists of sensors which helps us to monitor the quality of water-based by measuring factor-like pH (for fish farming ambient pH range 7 - 8.2, Survival pH range 4.5 - 10), temperature(Suitable temperature: 26 to 32-degree celsius), turbidity of water, dissolved oxygen, level of water in the tank, etc... based on the users requirement.
    *All these at a reasonable price available to a common man which helps in saving his fish as well as eliminating unwanted changing of water. We can even keep set points where if the pH goes below or above a certain value the farmer gets alerted in his mobile phone by connecting it to IOT or turn on the motor automatically, the future scope is huge based on requirement of the farmer.
    *Its other use is during a flood or rainy season the well in the rural areas get mixed up with all kinds of water and gets contaminated so what the government does is they provide the common people with bleachingpowder,hydrogen peroxide through their own respective panchayats and instruct all the people to add a pericular quantity of bleaching powder into their well without even testing the contamination level in their well. So many people gets health issues because of over or under treatment of water and causes serious damage their body, So if the people had our module everyone could make use of it and add bleaching powder based on the requirement only. (Safe drinking PH: 6.5 - 8.5).

Challenges we ran into

Caliberation of the sensors were really hard, making a casing fulfilling the requirements and provind the safety the sensors,
We are also using msp430g2553 microcontroller by texas instruments for replacing arduino by using the software called code composer studio which is a challenge we are going through programming embedded C for the first time.
