
The One-Shot Solution for All Your Local Work Needs. A Website that helps connect local workers to clients and allows one-to-one negotiations.

The problem WorkConnect solves

One-to-one connection between clients and workers makes it easier to have a proper discussion regarding the cost and process of work.
We aim to provide a platform for local workers while keeping in mind, simplicity and complexity, so that people with less technological experience can also use it with ease.
The website doesn't allow workers to pitch against other workers thereby providing less competitive marketplace.
We aimed to only create employment opportunities for local workers while also, making sure the client gets a say in fixing thier issues.

Challenges we ran into

Bug 1:- We weren't able to sync quoted prices across the dashboards. We bypassed this issue by sending emails whenever a quotation is passed by the workers to the clients and vice-versa.
Challenge 1:- We couldn't complete the Map Integration.
Challenge 2:- Retrieving Image from Database and Displaying it to the user on their Profile Screen was a difficult task.
