
Chaitya Shah

  • Being a fast-learner and a hardworking student, I'm currently exploring various branches under Computer Science Engineering.

  • I'm currently learning the basics of Web Development and C++ programming simultaneously.

  • Currently, I'm trying to learn new things and I hope these will help me bring positive changes in the world.

  • Being an avid reader, I also love playing sports (almost all but cricket🏏 is my favourite). Travelling to new places and living in the nature is my forte!!



The One-Shot Solution for All Your Local Work Needs. A Website that helps connect local workers to clients and allows one-to-one negotiations.React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Multer, axios, Nodemailer, mongoose, React Router


Secure Your Documents with usReact, Django, Python, MongoDB, Node


Html Css Javascript Bootstrap