Women's Safety Application

Your safety, our lookout

The problem Women's Safety Application solves

In today's world, women have been continuously proving that they can triumph in professional field along with other work. But in such a scenario, we need to ensure that they feel safe from all kind of dangers when they walk on the streets. With smartphones being more and more productive fir us, we decided to make a smartphone app that can provide solution to this problem. The app acts as a distress beacon which can make loud noise to draw others' attention when they feel unsafe or need immediate help. It also provides them with facility to send an instant message to their emergency contacts, with their current location. The women can choose the intensity of the SOS signal. The content of the message will be based on the severity of the situation, that the user chooses to report. Also, the app can function even when the user is offline. It also has a provision to get locations and distance of nearest hospitals and police stations. It also provides users an option to contact police station with just few clicks.

Challenges we ran into

There were multiple challenges that we faced while making this project. The first challenge was storing the phone numbers so that the woman in distress does not need to add it evertime she opens the app. We solved this problem by making use of the local storage in android. We user SQLite database to store all the numbers. The other problem was making the app very simple and efficient. We made the UI in such a way that the SOS message can be sent by performing least number of actions by the user. All the buttons are large and easily clickable. We also had to figure out a way to show the list of hospitals and police stations nearby. For that we used geoapify to get the nearest hospitals and police stations. Earlier we had though of storing the phone numbers on an online database but then we decided that a local database would be better as there wont be any loading times so it would be fast and there wont be any possibility to hack the local dataabse. Another challenge that we faced was to make the app work without internet. We used a plugin that allowed us to get the location and send the distress message without internet.
