
Sakshi Pandey

An observer who tries to find out the problems in day to day lives and code the solutions. Comfortable in public speaking as I believe that a solution isn't enough until it is explained and presented to the end users well. I can develop a solution as well as present the product to people and discuss ideas.


Women's Safety Application

Your safety, our lookoutFirebase, SQLite, Flutter, Firebase Authentication

Marksheet CELO Blockchain Ledeger

World's first global Marksheet Vault to store grades of students that can be accessed by any university by just entering studentID.React, JavaScript, Postman, GitHub, Express.js, Web3, Blockchain, Remix (IDE), Nodejs, Celo




  • KJSCE SDC - Web developer
    December 2019 - January 2020

    Full time internship in Software Development Center (SDC) of KJ Somaiya College of Engineering
    on ‘Faculty feedback system’ project under Prof. Babaso Alder from Computer department which
    is being used currently in KJSCE to get feedback from students.

    Tech stack used for internship: Html, Bootstrap, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, PHP.
    Link to live website:

  • KJSCE - Programming
    June 2019 - July 2019

    Part time in-house internship on ‘Functions and file handling using C language’ under Prof. Purnima Ahirao from IT department in KJ Somaiya College of Engineering.

    Tech stack used for internship: C programming language.