
We are going to predict the menstrual dates and the day of ovulation of a woman.We take more data into account to provide much more accurate and efficient results.



We are going to predict the menstrual dates and the day of ovulation of a woman.We take more data into account to provide much more accurate and efficient results.

The problem WeCare solves

Periods usually arrive every month in a woman’s life. But we all are so busy with the mundane work that we tend to forget our period dates. Moreover, most women have such an inconsistent cycle that it is worthless for them to remember their previous dates. Also due to lack of awareness and hesitation in society, many women don’t know the reason and what exactly one should do during menstruation. To solve this problem faced by almost every woman we made a period tracking web app.
This will help in recording the changes in her cycle which might be the sign of a potentially dangerous health issue. Furthermore, it will also help her to know more about her body, mood swings and to avoid sudden and severe period cramps. We also provide the estimated day of ovulation so that a woman could know when she can conceive. Most of the pre-existing websites or apps lack accuracy so women generally get more confused about their dates and these apps take into account very few features to determine the dates. We have taken more data into account which we have gathered from various researches and datasets available on the internet, to provide much more accurate and efficient results. Our other features include specialized WeCare forums where women can freely and anonymously discuss their queries. The sole purpose of this forum is to facilitate personalized support and moral upliftment of women. We encourage unbiased discussion enabling women to share their life experiences. We also have our 24x7 WeCare chatbot where women can get answers to their queries anytime. This was made especially for emergency purposes so that women can get answers to their queries quickly. We have also added a news section for news that revolves around women.

Challenges we ran into

It was very difficult for us to find the dataset for this model. We had to go through a lot of research papers and websites to collect the data.
