
Aman Sharma

I am amazing and best in the world in whatever I do. Whatever I pursue, I kill the competition.



We are going to predict the menstrual dates and the day of ovulation of a woman.We take more data into account to provide much more accurate and efficient results.HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, Machine Learning

Teaching Made Easy

To solve the problems faced by teachers as well as students during online education/classes.HTML5 CSS BootStrap JavaScript Jquery Flask Deep Learning NLP (Natural Language Processing)


To solve the problems faced by teachers as well as students during online education/classes.Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, OpenCV, Deep Learning, ngrok, Natural language processing (NLP), HTML5​


We have made a web app to track the dates of the menstrual cycle and the estimated day of ovulation. We also provide 24x7 support using WeCare chatbot and also have a forum where women can discussBootstrap, Flask, Machine Learning, Java, HTML/CSS, Streamlit

SLOE: Supervised Learning in Online Education

SLOE is an add-on service to the online educational platform, which can identify a child's behavioral changes such as depression, confusion or unattentiveness and inform the parents about the same.Firebase, Figma, android-studio, Streamlit, TensorFlow-Lite, deep-learning


We're here to promote unpopular sports and sports people in India and create a positive impact in the field of supports so that upcoming future generation pursue these unpopular sports in India.Solidity, Heroku, Docker, AR.js, Python, Figma, Kubernetes, Ganache, Nodejs, Brownie


-rSolidity, web3.js, Express, reactjs, Node js, FAST API, Filecoin, Ethereum Stack, Tensorflow/Scikit learn, Anomaly Detection


-rSolidity, React, Node.js, MetaMask, TensorFlow, Express.js, MongoDB, Ethereum, web3j, FastAPI


Machine Learning
Competitive Programming
iOS developer
Frontend Developer using HTML