
Website that provides farming advisory information to farmers based on the current weather conditions at a certain location that is entered by the user.

The problem WeatherFarm solves

This website solves an inherent problem for farmers, i.e. relevant information. If farmers want advisory, they often have to read through many pages of some document, which are often written in complex language. These advisories may also not be easily accessible. WeatherFarm aims to solve this problem by making a very simple advisory platform. All the user has to do is enter the name of their city and they get relevant weather advisory based on real time weather in that city. This avoids all the hassle that farmers have to go through in order to get vital information that will help their livelihood.

Challenges we ran into

There were many hurdles we ran into while building this project. The first one was API integration. We were struggling with integrating the weather api into our website and getting it to display the information received. We got over this hurdle by getting advice from a friend. Another hurdle we faced was our lack of experience. This was the first project for all of our team members hence we didn't really have much knowledge about the programming aspect. Even though this wasn't something that was easily fixed, we worked extremely hard and relentlessly tried to improve every aspect of our website, both the frontend and the backend. The final hurdle we faced was time. We were not able to achieve everything we had visualized in our initial stage of planning the website. Hence we had to make some compromises with the website and make it more simplifeid than we would have hoped.
