
Shashikant Dangi

Hi I'm Shashikant Dangi! I am currently a third-year student at the National Institute of Technology Surat, pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Throughout my life, I’ve lived in various countries and gone to various different schools. In this process, I’ve experienced various different cultures which has given me a wider perspective of the world. I completed my schooling from the American School of Paris, having done both IB and AP classes.

After that, I have come back to India for my undergraduate degree in Computer Science. Using computers from a very young age fueled my curiosity which is why I chose this field where I felt very comfortable. I am quite passionate about exploring the different fields that Computer Science has to offer and I'm looking forward to pursuing a career in this field. Some of my other hobbies include watching and playing cricket, table tennis and running.



Website that provides farming advisory information to farmers based on the current weather conditions at a certain location that is entered by the user.Node.js, JavaScript, Embedded Javascript (EJS), Express.js, HTML/CSS

Foot-Arch Classification System

Know if you are flat..........footed.Keras, Tesorflow, Higra

